
The potential area of the ground that a kubb will take up when raised. The footprint of the kubb is important when determining which end a kubb is forced to be raised on due to in bounds/out bounds, obstructions, or kubb raising strategies.


Current status: KITE v0.3 is in a spreadsheet form to get test data for populating the application's database.  An alpha version is forthcoming.

KITE is an application that is currently being developed for tracking certain aspects of any given kubb game for later analysis. KITE stands for Kubb Interactive Tracking Engine. It will allow a player to track relevant data from a game quickly and easily. When the game is finished, the data will be analyzed and game statistics presented to the user for that game as well as adding to that user’s cumulative stats.

===== Planned Statistics =====
* Average length of match
* Baton hit percentage vs. wasted batons
* Long hit percentage vs. hit percentage with a line
* Win/loss percentage
* Penalty kubbs thrown
* King hits/king misses
* Baseline percentage
* ”more coming soon”


A piece that has been struck by another piece as the result of a throw and becomes parallel to the ground. It is possible for a toppled kubb to be knocked over, then through the course of motion, to come to rest standing on one end. In this case, the [[kubb]] is still considered toppled, and is customary to put a [[token]] (ex. grass clippings) on the toppled kubb. Pieces that fall over due to wind, uneven ground, or being jostled by a player are ”’not”’ considered Toppled, and should be righted as close as possible to their previous location and orientation as can be determined.

Base kubb

A kubb which is still in its original position on the [[baseline]]. During the course of play a field kubb may come to be placed on the baseline, but it remains a field kubb. All base kubbs must be [[toppled]] before the [[king]] can legally be attacked.