At the beginning of this year we devised a way to record matches in the Planet Kubb Wiki. This wasn’t the detailed game scoring play-by-play work we had before. This was just a much simpler way to capture the matches from tournaments and record the outcomes. In the beginning of this year we didn’t have any of these. As of right now there are 2,582 matches in the wiki! These matches have been added by several people in multiple countries. Amazing! Thank you to all for contributing to this database. We are building the history of what is happening at Kubb tournaments around the world!
Category: Wiki
Upload and Tag Kubb Photos on the Planet Kubb Wiki!
You may have seen that this month there is a lot of refactoring going on in the Planet Kubb Wiki. I won’t go into the details here, but you can see the ongoing dialog about it on the Winter 2013 Cleanup page on the wiki. There is some really great work going on to tie teams, clubs, events, players, matches and games together in a way that is more advanced than ever before.
Now we are also making it easy to tie in photos as well! I’m so excited about it I couldn’t wait to share this with everyone. You know how you can tag friends on Facebook in photos? You can now tag photos on the wiki with the event, club, team and players represented in the photo and the wiki will then pull those photos wherever appropriate. This is a great way to share and connect your pictures from events. This diagram shows how the connections work.
Now when you visit the Minnesota Kubb Loppet Tournament 2013 page, the Fox Valley Kubb page, the Kubb Snipers or Wolfpack page or any of the players: Chad Parsons, Chad Bevers, Joe Pendleton, Aaron Mckie and Nate Olson you will see that photo is connected to them!
Detailed directions on how to add your photos are on the uploading and tagging photos page. You will need an account on the Planet Kubb Wiki to do this of course.
Also, if you just want to browse fun Kubb pictures the most recent 180 photos are on the photos page of the wiki.
Help Build List of Kubb Websites
On the Planet Kubb Wiki I’ve seeded a List of Kubb Websites with a number of sites that are in the Planet Kubb feeds. I think it would be a nice resource if there was a nicely curated list of Kubb websites that people could reference. Here is your chance to get your feet wet in the Planet Kubb wiki:
- Go to the List of Kubb Websites page.
- If you have an account, login. If you don’t, register for a new account and check your email to confirm your email address (you have to confirm email before you can edit.)
- Once logged in and confirmed, click the [Edit] link next to any section to add a new website!
Let’s make this a great resource for the worldwide Kubb community!
Games from 2013 Minnesota Kubb Loppet Tournament

Yesterday was the 2013 Minnesota Kubb Loppet Tournament. I withstood an extended stay in the cold with the teams through the championships holding my clipboard, wiping the snow off the scoresheet and writing with lantern light hoping my pen wouldn’t freeze and stop working. Some great games. Check out the scoresheets on the Planet Kubb Wiki linked below to relive the action!
- Quarterfinals: Team Knockerheads v. Kubby Doo (Game 1)
Heavyweight Kubb with big groups. - Quarterfinals: Team Knockerheads v. Kubby Doo (Game 2)
Knockerheads leave an advantage line, you guess what happens next. - Quarterfinals: Team Knockerheads v. Kubby Doo (Game 3)
Check out turn 3 of this game. - Semifinals: The Ringers v. Kubb Snipers (Game 1)
- Semifinals: The Ringers v. Kubb Snipers (Game 2)
- Semifinals: The Ringers v. Kubb Snipers (Game 3)
An absolute clinic on how to win a Kubb game by The Ringers. Games is over in three turns! The Kubb Snipers only got to throw batons once. - Finals: Team Knockerheads v. The Ringers (Game 1)
- Finals: Team Knockerheads v. The Ringers (Game 2)
Knockerheads throw a perfect opening and have to yield there 6th baton to the Ringers. Striking open that is closed quickly in three turns! Chris Hodges and Grant Scott don’t miss a single throw in this game!
Some amazing Kubb in the snow yesterday!
Call for 2013 Kubb Tournaments
We’ve had a great year of Kubb in 2012 and everyone is looking forward to the 2013 season. I would like to get the 2013 Tournament schedule populated on the Planet Kubb Wiki. So far we just have four 2013 tournaments: Minnesota Kubb Loppet Tournament 2013, US National Kubb Championship 2013, World Championship 2013 and Fall Kubb Klassic 2013.
I expect the tournament directors out there know the weekends they are targeting. Please add your tournaments to the wiki using the new event form (you must have an account and be logged into the wiki to do this, create an account if you don’t have one).
Getting your tournaments in the wiki early will help players schedule their plans for next year. Also, we have some work in progress to share the upcoming tournament schedule from Planet Kubb to any and all Kubb websites that wish to use it so that everyone can use a central copy and not duplicate work. Getting your tournament in the system will insure that you get exposure in a bunch of places!
(If adding the tournament on the wiki is too difficult you could also leave the details in a comment to this post and someone will add it to the wiki for you.)
Improved Kubbs in Play Graphs
The Kubbs in Play by Turn graphs is one of my favorite kubb game visualizations and every game on the Planet Kubb Wiki has one. I was recently thinking that it could do a much better job of telling a story. Sure it’s interesting to see the number of kubbs in play, but it would be more interesting to see the remaining baseline kubbs as well. This is what we started with:
Now we have the new and improved ones. You can see at a glance which team has Kubbs left on the baseline. Note that a bug was also fixed that incorrectly didn’t show a first turn that didn’t have any hits, that is why the second graph shows 15 turns now instead of 14 like above.
These are a huge improvement!
Game Videos Embedded on the Planet Kubb Wiki
A little tweak today on the Planet Kubb Games on the wiki. Now YouTube videos of the games are not just a link, but are embedded and playable right in the scoresheet. You can now watch the video and follow along with the notation.
See Dallas 2012 Finals Game 1 and Dallas 2012 Finals Game 2 for examples.
Additionally, there is a category for all the games that have video so you can use that if you just want to watch some Kubb games this winter.